Archive for March 1, 2007

Molecular Research

Research on colon cancer is heavily funded (I assume).  The results we are getting from the research are billowing out of control causing confusion and controversy.  Did it ever occur to these people that they might be lookingin the wrong place?  There was a familial adenoma polyposis gene that gave people approximately 100% chance of getting colorectal cancer.  Also, risk of getting cancer increases if a family member has had it, so now researchers seem to think there HAS to be a gene or collection of genes involved in the development of cancer.

There should be more research on emotions and psychoneuroimmunology in relation to cancer development.  It may not have all the answers, but at least it would be a breath of fresh air compared to more stupid molecular genetic bologne!!


Old Wlking SticksWalking Sticks

My mom created this watercolor painting for a book cover (right). She modified the original (left) after I attempted to be an art critic! Well done MeMum! 😀